
Two soupspoons( 8 g) of fresh parsley( Petroselinum crispum) containTrusted Source 10 mg of vitamin C, furnishing 11 of the recommended DV.

Parsley is also a significant source of vitamin K and antioxidants.

According to a 2021 review, Trusted Source beast studies have set up that vitamin C administered intravenously can suppress advanced- stage excrescence growth.

still, analogous results haven’t passed in humans. further exploration is demanded before associations can be made between vitamin C and reduced cancer growth or threat.

Parsley contains 133 mg of vitamin C per 100g. smattering 2 soupspoons of fresh parsley on your mess delivers 11 of the DV for vitamin C, which can help increase iron immersion.

10. Mustard spinach
One mug of raw diced mustard spinach( Brassica rapavar. perviridis) providesTrusted Source 195 mg of vitamin C, or 217 of the DV.

Though heat from cooking reduces the vitamin C content of foods, 1 mug of cooked mustard flora still providesTrusted Source 117 mg of vitamin C, or 130 of the DV.

Mustard spinach and other dark, lush cruciferous vegetables are high in other nutrients as well, including

vitamin A
Mustard spinach contains 130 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. One mug of this lush green provides 217 of the DV for vitamin C when raw and 130 when cooked.

11. Kale
Kale( Brassica oleraceavar. sabellica) is a cruciferous vegetable.

A 100- g portion of raw kale providesTrusted Source 93 mg of vitamin C, or 103 of the DV.

It also supplies large quantities of vitamin K and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin.

One mug( 118 g) of cooked kale providesTrusted Source 21 mg of vitamin C, or 23 of the DV.

While cooking this vegetable reduces its vitamin C content, a 2017 studyTrusted Source set up that boiling and frying leafy flora can increase the bioavailability of health- promoting composites. This may help reduce the threat of habitual seditious conditions.

Raw kale contains 93 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, while 1 mug of smoothly fumed kale provides 21 mg.

12. Kiwis
One medium kiwi( Actinidia deliciosa) packsTrusted Source 56 mg of vitamin C, or 62 of the DV.

ResearchTrusted Source shows that kiwis can have an inhibitory effect on blood platelets, which may help reduce the threat of blood clots and stroke.

Kiwi consumption may also profit your vulnerable system.

A 2022 reviewTrusted Source suggests that vitamin C may cover against COVID- 19 and pneumonia or help the common cold wave by boosting the vulnerable system with itsanti-inflammatory and antioxidant parcels.

Kiwis contain 75 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. One medium kiwi provides 62 of the DV for vitamin C, which benefits blood rotation and impunity.

13. Broccoli
Broccoli( Brassica oleraceavar. italica) is a cruciferous vegetable.

A half- mug of cooked broccoli providesTrusted Source 51 mg of vitamin C, or 57 of the DV.

exploration suggests that eating plenitude of cruciferous vegetables rich in vitamin C may be associated with a dropped threat of cancer.

Broccoli contains 65 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. A half- mug of fumed broccoli provides 57 of the DV for vitamin C, and eating lots of broccoli may help lower your threat of cancer.

14. Brussels sprouts
A half- mug of cooked Brussels sprouts( Brassica oleraceavar. gemmifera) providesTrusted Source 49 mg of vitamin C, or 54 of the DV.

Like utmost other cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts are high in numerous vitamins, including vitamin K and vitamin A

Vitamins C and K are both important for bone health. In particular, vitamin C aids in the conformation of collagen, which is the stringy part of your bones.

A 2018 review set up that a high salutary input of vitamin C was associated with a 26 reduced threat of hipsterism fractures and a 33 reduced threat of osteoporosis.

Brussels sprouts contain 85 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, and a half- mug of fumed Brussels sprouts provides 54 of the DV. Vitamin C may ameliorate bone strength and function.

15. failures
One whole raw bomb( Citrus limon) containsTrusted Source 45 mg of vitamin C, or 50 of the DV.

The vitamin C in bomb juice also acts as an antioxidant, which is apparent in its capability to help other fruits and foods from browning.

Lemon juice has also been set up to lower blood pressure and reduce the goods of chuck
on blood sugar.

failures contain 53 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, with 1 medium bomb delivering 50 of the DV. Vitamin C has potent antioxidant benefits and can help abbreviated fruits and vegetables from browning.

16. Lychees
One lychee( Litchi chinensis) providesTrusted Source nearly 7 mg of vitamin C, or7.5 of the DV, while a 1- mug serving provides 151.

ResearchTrusted Source shows that lychees contain polyphenol composites, including

gallic acid
chlorogenic acid
caffeic acid
Lychees contain 72 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. A single lychee contains, on average,7.5 of the DV for vitamin C, while a 1- mug serving provides 151.

17. American persimmons
Persimmons are an orange fruit suggesting tomatoes. There are numerous kinds of persimmons.

Though the Japanese persimmonTrusted Source( Diospyros kaki) is the most popular, the native American persimmon( Diospyros virginiana) contains nearly nine times further vitaminC.

One American persimmon containsTrusted Source16.5 mg of vitamin C, or 18 of the DV.

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