Here are 13 small lifestyle changes you can make today to get a healthier complexion

Everyone wants bright white skin, but for most of us who are not blessed with the perfect natural genes, it can be difficult to get there, especially when you have a skin condition such as acne. Facing the road. However, all hope is not lost. Who can get the best skin and the best parts? It does not always require you to spend your two months on some ambitious beauty treatments. Some skin care tips take less effort than you think to give you visible results over time, such as redness, lightening and acne control.

We asked experts – dermatologists, aesthetic experts, beauty experts and even supermodels – for their best kept secret to flawless skin. While they may be a long-term commitment, these simple lifestyle modifications are guaranteed to yield remarkable results.

How to improve skin texture, according to Derms
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Moisturizes immediately after cleansing
Austin, Texas-based dermatologist Renée Rouleau says one of the biggest skin care mistakes people make is waiting too long after cleansing to apply a moisturizer. “You have a short time after cleansing to apply a moisturizer before the moisture begins to evaporate,” says Rouleau. “If you leave your skin completely dry, the water on your skin plus any moisture in your skin will start to pull into the air.”

Ellen Marmur, MD, a New York City-accredited dermatologist, also recommends speeding up bathing. “Long showers get rid of your natural oils. That’s why some people have chronic itchy spots on their backs.”

Related: Improper moisturizing? Do not make these 8 common mistakes.

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Consider your water.
“Soft water does not remove soap well, so it can leave a residue on your skin,” says Susan H. Weinkle, an assistant professor of dermatology at the University of South Florida. If your water is soft, use a small amount of face and body lotion (no more than a quarter of a nickel or a quarter). On the other hand, hard water does not allow for easy cleaning, which encourages you to use more detergent, which can cause dryness. A shower filter that can get rid of dirt and minerals should help reduce this problem. Carolyn Jacob, MD, a dermatologist in Chicago, Ill., Says that a gentle, non-greasy formula that is not meant for lotions can alleviate this problem. To check the water quality in your area, go to the Environmental Protection Agency website.

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Keep stress in check
It affects almost every part of your body, including your skin. In a study conducted at Stanford University, researchers found that during exams, students who felt stressed had more severe acne than those who were under less pressure. “Because stress increases the body’s production of hormones such as cortisol, which can make the skin oily and reduce its ability to fight bacteria,” said Lisa Donofrio, an associate professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine. Causes acne. To keep that feeling under control, apply regular stress management techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, and meditation. “This can help with conditions such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea and seborrhea,” says Donofrio.

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Exercise quickly and often
An important function of the skin is to control heat, so when you exercise, the blood vessels in the skin expand to bring warm blood to the surface, allowing heat to transfer from the body and into the air. This gives you a glowing light, says Dr. Marmur, who starts each day with a 30-minute jog or basketball run. Stimulating blood flow also ensures that your skin receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to stay healthy. “Skin is the last priority of your body. The first blood goes to the brain and core organs, so getting the nutrient-rich blood that enters your skin first thing in the morning means,” says Dr. Marmur. “It starts a healthy day, too.”

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Re-evaluate your skin care habits
“Do not continue to drive automatically with your skincare routine,” says Dr. Marmur, who avoids the habit of day-to-day product collection. “If my skin looks good and feels good,” she says, “I use a lighter night cream. In October, when the barometer drops and my skin gets drier, I opt for a richer formula.” Style “. Similarly, many women mention their dedication to face masks that help them to treat temporary conditions such as sensitivity and dryness. Jessica Alba, founder of Honest Beauty, says: “I use a clay mask with a moisturizing mask when I have my morning coffee. Pamela Baxter, Founder of Bonafide Beauty Lab, Replaces Fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask

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