What your face says about your health

“You are the image of health!” It is a common compliment based on the idea that our outer appearance reflects our inner health through glowing skin, shiny hair, and bright eyes.

But there are some things our faces can reveal that indicate our health is not so good. Of course, it’s not the whole picture, nor a foolproof way to diagnose something, but here are some signs that all may not be well.

Rash with red, raised spots
What could it be?
Rashes can occur for many reasons. But if you have a recurring itchy, burning rash on your scalp, which also has blisters that burst when scratched, and which sometimes also appears on other parts of the body, such as the scalp, shoulders, buttocks, knees, or elbows, it could be Dermatitis herpetiformis: a symptom of celiac disease.

To do
Talk to your doctor, who will want to know about any other symptoms you may have. A simple skin biopsy is a starting point and, if positive, the next step is referral to a gastroenterologist for further testing for celiac disease.

NOTE: If you suspect celiac disease, do not eliminate gluten immediately; This may interfere with obtaining an accurate diagnosis.

Other facial signs, such as skin bruising, mouth ulcers, and swelling, may also be signs of celiac disease.

Yellow skin
What could it be?
Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, is a symptom of a few different problems, all of which require medical attention. Jaundice occurs when there is too much bilirubin in the blood, a yellow-orange substance found in red blood cells, and the liver cannot filter it well enough. Jaundice can be a sign of diseases that affect the liver, such as hepatitis or alcohol-related liver disease, or of blocked bile ducts as a result of gallstones or pancreatic cancer. Some medications can also cause liver damage.

To do
Seek medical attention. Your doctor will want to perform blood tests to check your bilirubin levels and other liver functions and combine them with your medical history.

Redness, redness, or rash in the center of the face and nose.
What could it be?
Rosacea is a chronic red rash that usually affects people with fair skin. It can also appear as frequent redness or blushing, and sufferers often have very sensitive skin that reacts poorly to skin care products. It is not really known what causes it; They could be environmental or genetic factors. Rosacea can be aggravated by anything that heats the face: showers, sun exposure, stress, or spicy food. It is not harmful, but it can be uncomfortable, especially when it affects the eyes, making the eyelids red and painful, or when it causes thickening and bumps on the skin of the nose.

To do
Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for a rosacea flare-up. Other things you can do to prevent future incidents include always wearing sunscreen; limit alcohol and spicy foods; Use oil-free skin care and cosmetic products and choose products designed for sensitive skin. If your rosacea persists, ask to be referred to a dermatologist to explore other treatment options.

Excess facial hair
What could it be?
Facial hair patterns in women depend on our ethnicity and genes. But excess hair on the face (with excessive hair growth elsewhere on the body) is known as hirsutism and could be due to what is known as hyperandrogenism, an increase in “male” hormones called androgens. This may be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), insulin resistance, or obesity.

To do
Polycystic ovary syndrome must be properly diagnosed, so consult your doctor. Facial hair growth is usually not the only symptom or the only skin symptom; Sufferers also often have acne and hormonal symptoms, such as irregular menstrual cycles. There are lifestyle changes that can help control PCOS: maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly is important. And there are hormonal therapies that can also help.

Facial signs not to worry about
As we age, our faces naturally change. We lose fat under the skin in some places and gain it in others, so our face can become slack, sunken, or more jowl-like. Movement and facial expression over time create wrinkles and sun exposure creates wrinkles, freckles and

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